disney facts

So we all know disney is one of the most sneaky creators/channels they love to hide easter eggs and sometimes they put other characters in movies witch brings me into my first fact

  1. in the little mermaid if you pay really close attention in the opening scenes you can see Goofy, Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duckin the audience at king Triton concert i think they got confused on witch show their in.
  2. sully from Monsters inc. has 2.3 million individual hairs that were carefully animated and took 12 hour to produce a single frame of him !!!

star wars facts

most people love star wars and some people are mega fans then some people just don´t like it but i have two facts about the great movie(s) star wars.

  1. Did you know the person inside R2D2 HATED the guy who played C3PO actor Ben Burt- voice of R2D2 claimed he was ¨the rudest man Ive ever met!¨ wow that´s harsh.
  2. Also another fact sad, but true, anyways did you know they tried to replace yoda with a monkey? yeah i know who would take away yoda.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      THANK YOU FOR READING !!!!

World population

Hello, I have two new interesting facts about the world.

1) Did you know, the entire world population can fit inside Los Angeles 🤭 that is more then 7.53 million people all in one city!

2) In 1804 the human population reached 1 million that is a long time ago!